1st place

6062 points


User Name Score
SteakEnthusiast 3170
drec 1754
0x157 400
White 738


Challenge Category Value Time
RDP Forensics_ 50
Sanitary inspection Beginner_ 50
Deep stego in the office Beginner_ 50
What to do with PPC? Beginner_ 0
Buy a cat Web_ 50
Found on my Windows Misc_ 50
Last hash Misc_ 50
Dogs running in a circle Misc_ 50
Admin rights Forensics_ 50
Rivest, 1991 Misc_ 50
Random cipher Reverce_ 50
Guest Web_ 50
Very Secure App Web_ 50
Haute couture OSINT_ 50
Mutated Caesar Reverce_ 50
Attack on AES Crypto_ 50
DLP on Z|nZ Crypto_ 100
Two points again Beginner_ 50
l33t PPC_ 50
RSA для 12+ PPC_ 108
Red Heat (1988 film) Stego_ 212
Virus Beginner_ 50
RSA для 9+ PPC_ 188
Stego with errors Beginner_ 50
Videomaker Forensics_ 50
Unrevealed secret Crypto_ 50
Terms of Use Misc_ 50
Series SAM Forensics_ 50
World of Tanks OSINT_ 50
Pizza Reverce_ 50
Architect of Grodno OSINT_ 50
Smugglers OSINT_ 50
First newspaper of Belarus OSINT_ 50
20 nickel + 4 quarter = 2 bucks PPC_ 493
Electronic voting Crypto_ 500
nickel + nickel = dime Beginner_ 340
4 quarter = 1 back Crypto_ 425
Megapolis Grodno OSINT_ 50
Banishment Forensics_ 50
Capital city OSINT_ 50
I want to go to London Crypto_ 258
Cipher without key Beginner_ 488
Stego in the text Stego_ 50
Whisper in your ear Stego_ 50
Reliable key Crypto_ 236
FTP Forensics_ 50
SAMBO wrestler Forensics_ 50
Image Forensics_ 50
Admin Forensics_ 50
Letter in a bottle Crypto_ 388
From 4 to 7 Misc_ 476