CTF (Capture The Flag)
A globally recognized training format for cybersecurity professionals
About the CTF Program
In the CTF system, we will develop your skills in various areas of modern cryptography and information security. You may already know a lot of this, but you can still score points and have fun completing these tasks!
If something cannot be solved by the efforts of your mind or programming in Python, then the proposed tasks may be easier to solve using online converters and other tools.
Academic Honesty
For us, as for all universities in the world, your agreement with the concept of Academic Honesty is important. Observing academic honesty demonstrates respect for your work and the work of your colleagues.
We ask you to adhere to the CTF competition participant honor code to comply with international standards of academic honesty:
- Register only one account.
- Your answers to the Olympiad tasks should be obtained by you independently.
- You may not share your solutions with anyone else unless explicitly allowed by the task conditions.
- You may not engage in any other activities that unfairly improve your results or unfairly improve or worsen the results of others.